Join Claire Pedrick MCC at 3D Coaching’s virtual pub where we have conversations with coaches, authors and thought leaders together with people new to coaching. It’s a cosy chat with a challenging edge. Become a regular by signing up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Podbean. Host: Claire Pedrick MCC
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
S1 Episode 04: Coaching in Health Care with Sam Walker
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Wednesday Mar 11, 2020
Sam Walker ACC joins Claire Pedrick MCC to talk all about using coaching in health for clinicians, social prescribers and link workers.
- Health coaching focuses on the whole person, not just their health.
- Coaching opens up different types of conversations and allows patients to share more about their lives and what is important to them.
- Power dynamics in healthcare can be shifted through coaching, creating a more equal partnership between healthcare professionals and patients.
- Behavioral changes and right-sizing the conversation are key to implementing coaching in healthcare.
health coaching, whole person, power dynamics, behavioral changes, rightsizing
Monday Mar 09, 2020
S1 Episode 03: Ethics - Coaching and Mental Health 1 with Dr Jenny Forge
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Claire Pedrick MCC and Dr Jenny Forge ACC in conversation about coaching, ethics and mental health.
Check out other episodes on coaching and mental health with
- Anne Archer
- Verity Symcox
- Jenny Forge - on her new book Coaching in Mental Health Settings and Beyond
- Coaching should be safe enough for the coach, the client, and the world they inhabit.
- Awareness is key in coaching, both of oneself and of the client's cues and needs.
- Power dynamics can shift in coaching, and coaches need to be aware of when the client may be giving them power.
- Knowing when someone is not robust enough to handle their own issues is important in coaching.
- Confidentiality in coaching should be maintained unless there is a risk of harm to the client or others.
- Coaches should be aware of their own limitations and seek appropriate support and supervision.
- The stories we tell ourselves can impact our mental well-being, and coaching can offer an opportunity to challenge and rewrite those stories.
- When working with clients who have mental health challenges, coaches should be mindful of their own emotions and biases and seek appropriate referrals when necessary.
coaching, ethics, mental health, safety, awareness, power dynamics, supervision, self-reflection, confidentiality, medication, psychosis
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
S1 Episode 02: Ethics - Coaching and Safeguarding with Nicky Brownjohn
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Claire Pedrick MCC talking to coach and safeguarding consultant, Nicky Brownjohn, about coaching, confidentiality and safeguarding.
- Coaches need to be aware of safeguarding issues and have a plan in place for how to handle disclosures.
- Confidentiality is important, but coaches have a responsibility to act if there is a risk of harm to themselves or others.
- Supervision is crucial in supporting coaches in dealing with safeguarding issues.
- Coaches should be prepared and proactive in addressing safeguarding concerns. Create a safe space for clients to disclose sensitive information
- Understand your role and boundaries when it comes to safeguarding
- Provide support and guidance to clients who disclose safeguarding issues
- Maintain accountability and follow-up after a disclosure
- Seek supervision and guidance when necessary
ethics, safeguarding, coaching, disclosure, confidentiality, risk of harm, supervision, coaching, safeguarding, disclosure, support, boundaries, accountability, follow-up, supervision
Monday Feb 17, 2020
S1 Episode 01: Using Coaching with Groups in Churches with Su Blanch
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Monday Feb 17, 2020
Su Blanch PCC thinks out loud talking about using coaching with groups in the church. Some principles:
- Coaching with groups involves working with a collection of individuals rather than a team.
- The principles of coaching remain the same when working with groups.
- Contracting is important when starting a conversation with a group.
- The structure of the conversation provides a container for the discussion.
- It is valuable to have a good structure for a conversation with a group.
- The subject of the conversation is what we are here to talk about. Consider the time available for the conversation
- Reflect on the desired outcome of the discussion
- Understand the role of the facilitator
- Challenge assumptions and explore different perspectives
- Be aware of power dynamics and the impact on the environment The facilitator's role is to enable participants to think and contribute
coaching, groups, church, PCCs, conversations, colleagues, apply, contexts, time, outcome, facilitator, assumptions, power dynamics, environment, facilitator, group meetings, enabling participants, clarity, purpose, contribution, responsibility, engagement, productive meeting, facilitator, container, listening, exploration, moving, world, static, comfortable, awareness, process, outcomes, facilitator, boundaries, conversation, group, internal conflict, direction, thinking, sides, back of the room, noticing, time, reflection, accountability, challenge thinking, desired outcome, time management, productive landing, process questions, reflection, discussion, meetings, facilitators, coaches, meaningful conversations, ownership, learning, resources